Contraction and Expansion

Contraction and Expansion

Sometimes you have to pull back.  There’s only so much one human can go, right?   I am no exception.  And after years of mentoring songwriters and telling my mentorees that sometimes filling the well literally is stepping away from it, I know it’s true in...
Here’s Your Nod

Here’s Your Nod

I was lying in my hammock staring at the sky. The clouds were going by, and I started thinking about what a small speck of humanity I am in the scope of a large world. ☁️   Looking into the blue I felt a bit overwhelmed by my Purpose. No, I don’t mean overwhelmed...
How a Dress Check-in Helped

How a Dress Check-in Helped

I am a master certified coach. Yep. I have the certificates and logos and all the stuff to “prove” it. 😎 YET, after years of coaching, I’ve learned the best lessons through coaching my own clients. We’ve worked on showing up, confidence, boundaries, body shame, money...
Sometimes I don’t feel like it

Sometimes I don’t feel like it

Sometimes I don’t feel like it. Any of it. No, seriously–I don’t *feel* like it. Between COVID and bringing back the normal flu, I couldn’t function.  My brain wouldn’t cooperate, and I couldn’t stop coughing. Every time I tried to do anything, I would fall...
The #1 Struggle My Clients Have

The #1 Struggle My Clients Have

The #1 struggle my clients come to me with is their inability to make sales.  It’s not that they aren’t good at what they do and it’s not that they’re not trying. It turns out that they don’t believe in themselves.  Isn’t that interesting? They know how to do all the...
On lurking

On lurking

Hey you–yes, you! You who really wishes you could go all-in with your business but you still hold on to that seed of doubt? I see you. 👀 And, more importantly, I know how you feel. I used to be a lurker, too. You keep watching women talk about coaching and...