I am a master certified coach. Yep. I have the certificates and logos and all the stuff to “prove” it. 😎

YET, after years of coaching, I’ve learned the best lessons through coaching my own clients.

We’ve worked on showing up, confidence, boundaries, body shame, money shame, asking for what we want and sooooo much more. 🔥

My clients accomplish things they didn’t even guess were possible for themselves.

And still, so do I.

I went to the pool the other day with some friends and I wore a dress (okay, a tent) for a bathing suit cover. The dress does nothing for me. I know that. But it was a good cover-up. 👗

Later, a guy friend told me I could “never wear that dress again because it doesn’t look good on me.”

I smiled and I thought about how years ago I would’ve apologized and then went home and put the dress straight in the trash and worried about it for another week.

This time, though, I said, “I’ll take that under advisement, but I’ll wear what I want.” 💥

And I do.

And the dress really is unflattering (he’s not wrong at all.) However, I brought it home, washed it and put it right back in my closet.

Because after years of working on myself and with other world-changing women, I’ve become someone different. Someone who knows I can do what I want. If another soul isn’t comfortable with it, then that’s their work to do and not mine.

Listen, my clients have created crap-tons of money and financial success. We’ve faced demons head on and watched them retreat back into their tiny little sucky smelly holes. 💪

But even more, they become different people. Stronger. Confident. Peaceful. Whole.

Making money is the easy part.
Mindset is the real stuff. 🧠

It’s time for you to get on a call with me and step into the rest of your life.