Years ago I participated in a free challenge online. I was super new to the online space, and I was trying to figure out how to be “me” while also trying to conform to what I thought I was “supposed” to be.

I showed up every day for that challenge, and I would faithfully share my completed assignment in the designated FB group.

One day we had to make a video. Y’all, this was before video was cool, and it took me FOREVER to figure out how to work iMovie. The assignment was to tell the group something they didn’t know about me (which was pretty much wide open since I didn’t know any of the people.)

On this assignment, I decided to talk about how I was born with a birth defect and my ankle is fused in walking position. I didn’t really think it was vulnerable, I just thought I was winning. 😉

Soon after I posted, the comments started pouring in, and one stood out to me. She said, “Honestly, I think being vulnerable is much like inviting people over to look at your dirty laundry. I don’t see any place for it in business.”

Obviously, I do me *now*, but that was quite a comment for me to work through early on.

My head was filled with thoughts like…

I’m so embarrassed.

What’s wrong with me?

Is she right?

Is she wrong?

Is she just a mean woman?

Should I hunt her down and punch her in the face? (KIDDING. …mostly.)

Today, I have a “snoopy” question for you. And I want your truth, not what you think you’re supposed to say.

Do you truly believe vulnerability gives you power or does it get in the way of your business?