“Lady, you are TESTING the Jesus in me!”

I said that out loud to the narrator of a best selling audio book I was listening to on the way back to Nashville.

The author is apparently a “thought” expert, and the book was assigned reading for a course I’m taking.

Here’s the gist:  she was asking the reader to print out this affirmational letter and fill in our names (obviously that doesn’t work with an audio book, but ok.)

In her attempt to convince the reader to do this, she said something like, “I don’t care if you’re homeless, disabled or imprisoned,” you should fill this out.

Y’all, I nearly ran my car off the road.

Here’s a big fat pro-tip:  having a disability is NOT the same thing as being homeless NOR is it equivalent to being in PRISON!

I was born with a disability so I am, in fact, an expert on that.

I spent the next 30 minutes at 70 MPH on I-65 talking myself out of wasting my precious energy on a total ENLIGHTENMENT campaign.

After I decided to stay in my lane (literally and metaphorically), I noticed a few other problematic statements the writer made in later sections. And, yes, I finally turned it off.

And that’s the key to the whole thing:  you can turn it off.

Yes, we *can* spend hours trolling people who make uninformed proclamations. We *can* shoot off emails to complete strangers assuming we’re so correct we’re going to bring everyone to our point of view. We *can* allow complete strangers to take up space in our heads.


We can turn them off and get back to minding our own businesses.

That’s what I choose. I want to mind *my* business, not hers.

Can you think of anyone or anything you need to turn off today?