I’ve been going through a very exciting process of choosing a Scholarship recipient for my 3 Month 1:1 “Do What You Want” coaching program.

I wanted to share with you what I told each of these stunning people yesterday: everybody needs a champion.

I’ve been coaching for six years and the bulk of my work has been 1:1 (it’s my ultimate favorite.) I remember a day when I was celebrating yet another huge victory for a client and the thought slipped into my head, “I wish my business was getting these kinds of results.” I didn’t mean that with a jealous heart at all, though. I just noticed it.

After thinking about that for a few days I realized what was going on. You see, each of my clients had 1:1 support. I did NOT!

Don’t get confused, though. I’m in supportive groups, group programs and I own a copy of pretty much every program which could show me how to do most any thing I could ever imagine I might ever want to to do (not that that is healthy—and I’ve cut myself off. ha)

Still, how weird is it that I could do the work I’m meant to do and facilitate my clients rocking it to moon, but my business was a stagnate?

So I decided to get my own 1:1 coach.

And you know what I got? MY CHAMPION.

Beautifuls, I cannot even tell you the difference GETTING 1:1 coaching has made for this coach.

And when I’m supported, I’m even better at supporting my clients.

If you feel like you need a champion, let’s chat about it!