I asked a stranger sitting next to me in a coffee shop ☕️ the following question:

If you could have anything you want out of life right now, what would you choose? First thing that pops into your mind. 💭

After her surprise melted, she said, “I’d know how to love myself.”

She went on to tell me she is an aspiring writer, overweight, and wishes almost everything about her life was different.

She wishes she had a best-selling novel. 📚

She wishes she had a boyfriend. 💞

She wishes she could lose 40 pounds. 💪

She told me everything seems so hard, and then she teared up a little. (Guess who got a free coaching session!!!!! ha)

Y’all, we’re walking around in a world of women who are struggling.

We’re in this together.

And, like I always say, we’re just walking each other home.

This week, I’m challenging you to ask a stranger a meaningful question (socially-distant, of course) and then stay present for the answer.

And I’d love to hear how it goes for you. ✨