This is the day you’ve been waiting for. THIS is it. This is the moment you have secretly long for and craved.

Sometimes we all just need permission. I know, I know–we don’t want to admit to it. You’re strong. You’re empowered. You don’t need anything from anybody.

Regardless, darling… 😉

Here’s yours:

You are hereby granted permission.

You may now put yourself out there and do exactly what it is you’re dying to do.

Wanna’ dance in the rain for your internal music video? Go ahead.

See yourself weighing less than you do now? Ok!

You may now start that business you’ve been toying with. Do it!

Love somebody selflessly.

LOVE yourself!

go green lightForgive yourself.

Forgive that person you’ve been fussing over.

Let it go.

Because you’re the only one who still cares about that stupid grudge.

Have you been thinking about being a songwriter? Congratulations! You ARE.

You’re a writer.

You’re a musician.

A poet? Yes.


You now have permission to make as much money as you want. It’s ok. Really.

The world needs you.

We need your exact specific abilities, and we need them from you.

Today is the day.

This moment is your moment.

You’ve been waiting for permission, and HERE IT IS!

Now go make your difference.

THIS is your permission slip.

Print it out, post it where you can see it, and most importantly, refer to it.