Working from your home office, building your business from behind your laptop and having the opportunity to stay at home for days at a time is lonely. 

If you’re like me, you crave community. I am an introvert, but I still don’t want to be alone all the time.

Some of my very best friends have come from the coaching industry and I’m actively available for new ones.

One of the best ways to find people who “get it” is by joining a group of like-minded people who are willing to just be who they are with you. 

That’s why I’ve created the mastermind I wish I’d had.

Unhooked Elite is for a very small group of incredible women who are sincerely ready to create massive results.


You’ll scale your business, but you just won’t be doing it alone anymore.

– You have a group of women you can be real with. 
– You have people who have complete faith in you and are willing to help in any way they can.
– You have people you can encourage, too.
– When you fall down, they pick you up.
– When they fall down, you pick them up.



And you get all that while you grow together. 

You grow your business to new levels.

You’re learning about yourself in relation to your business.


AND, you’re making more MONEY along the way.


I will teach you everything I’ve done to create massive results for myself and for my clients.

Just a few:

– $20K months
$1.4 million in sales in two weeks
Job changes netting $150K
– A raise of $45K
– New contracts for $70K
– Loving relationships
– Worthiness
– Abundance

    I could go on, but I want you to see that it’s not all about the money, it’s about the mindset.

    When I personally have a $20K month, I can assure you I couldn’t have done that without having my thoughts in the right place.

    My client doesn’t ask for $150K more without knowing her worth.

    Who does $1.4 million in sales in two weeks? Someone who feels comfortable in abundance.

    It all works together and you can’t have one thing without the other.


    How long is the program?

    24 weeks. We start January 27th.

    When are the calls?

    3 Thursdays per month beginning at 11 AM CST

    Will the calls be recorded?


    Where will the group be hosted?

    A private Facebook group

    Where will the calls be hosted?

    In our own private Zoom room

    Will you be offering this again?

    I honestly don’t know

    What if I change my mind?

    Sorry, no refunds. Once you bet on yourself, there’s no turning back. However, I promise to show up 100% for you.

    Do you only work with coaches?

    No. My current 1:1 roster is made up of single mothers, executives, writers, self-employed women and, yes, coaches. However, this mastermind is designed for people who are the face of their brand. Online work and visibility must be a priority for you if you’d like to get the most out of our experience.

    Do you offer payment plans?

    Yes. You may break your payment into 6 monthly payments.

    How will Unhooked Elite work?


    Unhooked Elite will be starting January 27 and spread out over 24 weeks. You will have 3 group calls with me per month. Two calls will be for teaching and one will be for group coaching.

    You will also receive 2 private 1:1 coaching calls with me to be used during our 24 weeks together.

    You will be assigned a rotating accountability partner. This means each month, you’ll be getting to know another colleague 1:1 and challenging each other to stay on point and trading even more support.

    Here are the topics we will be working through and practicing.

    Self-Coaching – This is an ongoing practice and we have to get really good at it. If we’re being honest, sometimes we definitely need someone else’s help, but there’s just not someone available all the time. We are going to make sure we’re comfortable and confident in coaching our hiney’s off. Then, we’re even better for ourselves AND our clients.

    What Problem Do You Solve – Look, you wouldn’t buy food if you weren’t hungry, right? You cannot possibly buy everything in the grocery store. And when you get to the milk section, you still have to decide if you want 2%, skim, almond, soy, unsweetened, sweetened…you get the picture. So, we need to make crystal clear what kind of milk you are and cast that in concrete. Once we have that, we’re going to coach the crap out of all the thoughts and fears your brain brings up. (‘cause you already know about her.)

    Mindset – Do you really work on it every day? No, like for real when no one’s watching. Beautiful, it just has to happen. We have to have a daily practice which works for us. And more than that? We must be committed to it. You’re going to get your practice in place and you’re going to follow through. 

    Money Mindset – You’re not going to make the money you want if you don’t feel safe making it. You could be looking to make your first dollar, you may have a trust fund and not “have” to work, and you may be somewhere in between. We’re going to learn how to create a safe space for abundance.

    Offer – Whether you’re looking for a raise at work or you’re trying to sell your services. First, you need to know what your superpower is. Then, you have to stop splattering all over the place throwing spaghetti noodles at the wall to see what sticks. You’re going to learn how to use constraint so you can really focus. And once again, you’ll be working on your mindset like crazy here. I’ve got you.

    Making Offers  – You are going to make offers from a place of powerful calmness and you’re going to OWN your place in the world. Not your place in the industry, but your place in the world. And you and your new biz besties are each filling up your “you”-spaced hold that no one else on Earth can.

    I am only accepting up to 8 women so you need to get your application in right away. Once I find the perfect souls for each spot, they’re taken. 

    Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you how much you’re going to invest for all of this. My colleagues currently charge between $10k and $50k for masterminds. I have decided to offer this for $4500. 

    Right? I know!!!!!!!

    But remember, it’s going to be very small and you want to claim your unique spot early.

    So, now that you know this is for you, it’s time to apply.

    We will work together for 6 months to get you to your next level.

    If you’d like more details, book at chat here:

    OR, DM me.
    Let’s just talk about it!