I remember reading once about how to recognize defining moments. We can find them because we refer to them in ‘befores’ and afters.’

before I moved to Nashville.

after I got my first publishing deal.

before I bought my first house.

after my puppy ate my favorite shoes.

before I tasted Nutella.

after I tasted Nutella.

It’s like there’s an imaginary mark at that particular place on our life line which divides time.

Befores and Afters, see?

Today I started thinking that maybe life should be less about waiting for the befores and afters and more about making them.

Yes, I know that some are beyond our control, but many aren’t.

Think about it. One day you could look back on today and think…

oh, that was before I stopped purposely saying mean things to myself.

oh, that was before I became someone who exercises.

oh, that was before I started paying close attention to how different foods affect how I feel.

I’m thinking if you’re anything like me, you could think of at least one defining moment you could create right now.

So why don’t we do one together.

Think of the decision you’ve been needing to make.

Got it in your head?

Ok, I’ve got mine, too.

On the count of THREE.




 (I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.)