Heading out for a run!

Training for my 1st marathon!

Just ran 5 miles on the treadmill!

(Exclamation points used on purpose!–stop judging.)

Wanna’ know a secret? I’ve NEVER said out loud or posted online any of those sentences till right now.

WAIT–before you think to yourself, “So get off your lazy hiney and do something about it, B,” let me tell you the rest.

None of those sentiments are physical options for me. I was born with a paralyzed foot which has no feeling or use, and it’s been fused in walking position since I was a teen. The details are boring, but suffice it to say I can’t run and walking long distances isn’t a good fit for me.

Now, this is NOT a post on sympathy. …blah, blah, blah. ZZZZzzzzz.

This IS a post about YOU feeling like you DON’T MEASURE UP.

Let me give it to you straight: there are indeed areas where you’re simply not created to be. [GASP! What? Am I seriously telling you that you cannot be the master of everything?]

Belinda, what kind of life coach ARE you?
I’m a life coach whose pretty fed up with watching you be pulled in a thousand directions and then beating yourself up when you don’t nail every landing. That’s who.

So, take a look around you, Beautiful.

What is it you DO?

What do you LOVE?

What DEFINES your stay here on this lovely planet?

THAT’S where you need to focus your fabulousnessWhatDefinesYou

Enough with trying to be all things to all people. It’s just not interesting anymore.

No more living other people’s lives. No more wishing you were an Olympic runner when running is really not your thing.

You have a unique set of skills and traits that make up your YOU-ness.

So, let it out.

Let us see your YOU-ness!